Thursday, August 6, 2015

Assessment 5

Oreo Cookie
Please click on this link to get to the article

Now click on the link below to watch the video 

Assessment 4

Spirit Bear

Assessment 3

National Geographic Wildlife Trafficking

Click on the link to get to the article

Assessment 2

New York Times Liquiglue


Click here to get to the New York Times article.

Assessment 1

TKN Glue
  from  Original article
Getting that last drop of glue out of the bottle will soon be easier, thanks to a new lubricant called LiquiGlide.
A lubricant is a substance that reduces friction between two surfaces. LiquiGlide reduces the friction between the walls of a container and the liquid it holds so the contents will slide out more easily.
Elmer’s Products – a company that makes many types of glue – recently signed an agreement with the makers of LiquiGlide to test the new product in its containers.
LiquiGlide was invented by Kripa Varanasi, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Dave Smith, a student. They were trying to find a way to move thick, sticky liquids like oil or paint more efficiently.
Thick liquids flow slowly because the layer of the liquid next to the wall of the container sticks to the surface. The liquid needs to be pumped or squeezed to keep it moving.
LiquiGlide works by coating the inside surface of a container so the liquid slides on top of the LiquiGlide layer instead of the container wall.
Dr. Varanasi got the idea to apply the same method to household products when his wife asked him if he could find a way to make honey flow out of the bottle more quickly.
LiquiGlide makes the inside of a bottle permanently slippery, so thick substances – like ketchup, mayonnaise, toothpaste, lotion, detergent or glue – slide quickly along the surface.
The formula for making LiquiGlide can be changed depending on what product is in the container. For food products, it is made from edible materials.
LiquiGlide can also help the environment. Studies show that as much as 15 per cent of foods like ketchup and mustard and 25 per cent of lotions never make it out of the bottle. LiquiGlide will help reduce waste by making it easier to use every drop of a product.
Nozzles and pumps could be eliminated from bottles, and packaging could be made smaller, reducing the amount of plastic that is used and discarded.
For industrial uses, less energy would be needed to push products through pipes, and equipment wouldn’t need to be cleaned as often.
This oddly satisfying video shows LiquiGlide in action (note: there is a pop-up ad about at the half-way point–we have no control over what ad will come up, but so far we haven’t noticed any that are not kid-friendly):